Afternoon Duplicates Award Silver Points!
Join World Champion
Donna Compton
& Grand Life Master
Chris Compton
for a 5 Night, 4 Day
Bridge on the Plaza experience.
Afternoon Duplicates Award Silver Points!
Join World Champion
Donna Compton
& Grand Life Master
Chris Compton
for a 5 Night, 4 Day
Bridge on the Plaza experience.
Instruction and play focused specifically for those just beginning to understand the details of this fantastic game and a chance to earn SILVER Masterpoints in afternoon 49er games.
Lessons designed to take your game to the next level and access to personal coaching and advice combined with an opportunity to put newly developed skills into practice in SILVER Masterpoint 299er games.
After a day of learning and play, you have a choice of optional evening activities including group dinners, local entertainment and strolling the plazas under the stars.
Click on the link below for a list of topics presented at previous Ultimate Bridge Vacations Retreats.
Grand Life Master with 55K Masterpoints
Chris began playing bridge professionally at the age of 17 with continual success at the national and international levels. He is a Grand Life Master with over 55,000 masterpoints. While representing the USA in international competition, he has placed 4th overall in the World Open Pairs on two separate occasions.
World Champion & Renowned Bridge Instructor
Donna is a World Champion and a WBF World Life Master. She began playing competitive bridge in 1975 with successes at the national and international levels.
Donna is an award winning journalist and Master Teacher. Donna's coaching and team captain positions have taken her around the world. She has lots of stories from these bridge adventures!
We would love to hear from you about bridge partners, roommates and more!
Also, drop us a note as to future land cruises you would like to see UBV host.